The Billabong brand is synonymous with hip, stylish and functional surf gear. So it's only fitting that Invista Inc., one of the world's largest producers of polymers and fibers, primarily for nylon, spandex and polyester, has partnered with the brand in an effort to target younger, more fashionable surf consumers, primarily those in the 18-29 age bracket.
To promote this partnership, Billabong and Invista have tapped into top female surfer and 2009 ESPY Winner in the "Female Action Sports Athlete of the Year" category, Maya Gabeira, as part of their print and digital marketing campaign. They have designed a signature two-piece coral swimsuit made of Xtra Life Lycra (seen below). Xtra Life Lycra is the new standard in swimwear because of its comfortable, long-lasting fit, that still keeps style in mind. The suit pieces will sell separately at $39.50 each and will be available in June at Everything But Water stores.
To further promote this new partnership, an online design contest will go live on on May 1. Surf lovers and fashion lovers will have the opportunity to design a signature suit for Gabeira, utilizing a variety of silhouettes and colors and XtraLife Lycra. Stay tuned for additional contest details. And look out for the XtraLife Lycra to appear in Billabong's swimwear collection for 2011. [WWD]
- Glam Gal -
Really? Is there any new collection swimwears there? Can you give me the address of your website. I'm going to show it to my friends and purchase some then.
Posted by: sony laptop battery | July 13, 2010 at 03:49 AM